JdbcTemplate BeanPropertyRowMapper

发布于 2015-10-14 / Java / 0条评论 / 570浏览

spring jdbc 自带的数据库列转对应的java Bean


CREATE TABLE `dwz` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `<span style="color: red;">url_Short</span>` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `<span style="color: red;">createdcount</span>` int(11) DEFAULT '1', `urlOriginal` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `<span style="color: red;">success</span>` tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0', `CREATEDTIME` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `updatedTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `deleted` tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0', `version` int(11) DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8

为这张表创建一个 Dwz.java Bean

package com.denghb.dwz.domain; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Date; public class Dwz implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 652817747802181261L; private Integer id; private String urlShort; private String urlOriginal; private Integer createdCount; private Boolean success; private Date createdTime; private Date updatedTime; private Boolean deleted; private Integer version; ...get&set }


// 代码片段 String sql = "select * from dwz where deleted = ?"; // Dwz dwz = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql , BeanPropertyRowMapper.newInstance(Dwz.class), true); List<Dwz> list = jdbcTemplate.query(sql , BeanPropertyRowMapper.newInstance(Dwz.class), true); // 在spring容器中执行后输出日志 ...JdbcTemplate]Executing prepared SQL statement [select * from dwz where deleted = ?] ...BeanPropertyRowMapper]Mapping column 'id' to property 'id' of type [java.lang.Integer] ...BeanPropertyRowMapper]Mapping column 'url_Short' to property 'urlShort' of type [java.lang.String] ...BeanPropertyRowMapper]Mapping column 'createdcount' to property 'createdCount' of type [java.lang.Integer] ...BeanPropertyRowMapper]Mapping column 'urlOriginal' to property 'urlOriginal' of type [java.lang.String] ...BeanPropertyRowMapper]Mapping column 'success' to property 'success' of type [java.lang.Boolean] ...BeanPropertyRowMapper]Mapping column 'CREATEDTIME' to property 'createdTime' of type [java.util.Date] ...BeanPropertyRowMapper]Mapping column 'updatedTime' to property 'updatedTime' of type [java.util.Date] ...BeanPropertyRowMapper]Mapping column 'deleted' to property 'deleted' of type [java.lang.Boolean] ...BeanPropertyRowMapper]Mapping column 'version' to property 'version' of type [java.lang.Integer]

原来的:ResultSet >> List<Map<String,Object>> >> JSONObject >> Java Bean
现在的:ResultSet >> Java Bean

唉,还是得多看Spring API
